Friday, June 27, 2008

To Leonard and Pauline

These are copied from Pauline Leachman's scrapbook

Newspaper articles about her grandparent's anniversaries.

Wish I had the gold and silver nugents :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back up your files

We were robbed on June 3 between noon and 1pm. I assume they saw me leave the house. They took all the usual things thieves take when they rob houses. They took the computer which was 6 years old so no great loss however all my files went with it and that's what I miss. YEARS of pictures and family videos. And MY FAMILY TREE MAKER PROGRAM with thousands of names and dates and census records and military records. So ... today's genealogy lesson is back up your files. And I know everybody says it but I never did it because this was never going to happen to me!!!! Actually once, in December 2004, I did back up the Family Tree program. As much as I enjoy genealogy, if I had to go back and start by entering my own name in Family Tree Maker, I might have to get a new hobby.

I also had lots of things scanned. If I scanned it, I have the hard copy but most of those things are so old I hate to keep touching them. I scanned them so I could just look at them on the screen. And then some things I had scanned because I wanted to post them here.

The police did get a lot of fingerprints so I have not given up hope of getting some of my things back.